Just as you take your auto to the shop each year to get it checked out, taking the time to do the same with your pointing dog will sharpen, or fine tune, his performance. We like to call this [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler Spring – it’s the time of year where pointing dog owners start thinking about training! Maybe you’ve welcomed a new puppy later last year and would like to have pup ready to [...]
by Bob and Jody Iler Can the electronic collar really be part of a positive and gentle training program? The e-collar, as it’s commonly known, has been around for a long time. Years back, the [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler On a trip to Texas years back, we walked the beach at Padre Island and came upon a sign reminding visitors to “Leave Only Footprints.” When it comes to training your pointing [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler For the past few months, we’ve been addressing problems that may come up in your started dog’s first season – issues related to handling, pointing, gun development, and [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler Let’s talk retrieving! Is your young pointing dog retrieving? Or does he ignore the fallen bird and continue to hunt? If he retrieves, does he carry the bird like a delicate [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler “My pup’s not pointing!” When you signed up to get a pointing dog pup, you dreamed about that day when your young dog would hunt with zest and abandon and suddenly – he would [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler “My pup just doesn’t pay attention to me in the field! It’s almost as if he’s gone deaf on me!” “Lately my pup has been hanging close to me and doesn’t want to get out and [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler Training your pup to be ready for his first season in the field can be a daunting task! When we say “started dog,” we mean exactly that! Though you’ve spent several months [...]
By Bob and Jody Iler Last but not least in our series on our started dog training program is yard work, or obedience. We’ve placed it at the end of for a reason! With a young dog, we want the [...]