POINTING DOG POINTERS By Bob and Jody Iler Should you steady your pointing dog to wing and shot? A recent text from Jody’s brother John, who has Finer Points English Setters in Pennsylvania, [...]
POINTING DOG POINTERS October 2018 By Bob and Jody Iler Some years back, we hunted grouse in Wisconsin, marking our way alongside the high bank of a fast flowing river to our right. A grouse [...]
POINTING DOG POINTERS September 2018 By Bob and Jody Iler We’ve been looking at ways to successfully develop both “soft” and “hard” pointing dog pups. But what about the pup that doesn’t show [...]
by Bob and Jody Iler What do we mean by training the “hard” dog? Some other words to describe this type of pointing dog are bold, tough, independent, stubborn, or headstrong. This rambunctious [...]
POINTING DOG POINTERS June 2018 By Bob and Jody Iler In our columns we often talk about “reading” our pointing dog pup. For the novice owner this might seem a bit difficult to do, but there’s [...]
POINTING DOG POINTERS May 2018 By Bob and Jody Iler As owners of a bird dog kennel for many years, we’ve always had a number of dogs, keeping two in the house and the others in our kennel. [...]
POINTING DOG POINTERS April 2018 By Bob and Jody Iler Recently we heard from Joe in Kansas City, who is developing his third German shorthair. “She is nine months old now and has had some [...]
POINTING DOG POINTERS March 2018 By Bob and Jody Iler When it comes to the training methods that are used today to develop a pointing dog – we’ve come a long way, baby! With many good videos, [...]
POINTING DOG POINTERS February 2018 By Bob and Jody Iler Last in our series of first season challenges is the issue of retrieving – one that often causes great concern in some of our dedicated [...]
Pointing Dog Pointer by Bob and Jody Iler, Green Valley Kennels As your pup’s first hunting season draws to a close, some challenges may have popped up—these issues are normal and give us the [...]