Writer’s Guidelines for The Pointing Dog Journal
The Pointing Dog Journal is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Our journal emphasizes the time-honored tradition of hunting with dogs and concentrates exclusively on the pointing breeds. We strive to give our readers informative features and columns, nostalgia, and humor, all written by talented and knowledgeable outdoor writers. Because The Pointing Dog Journal is targeted to experienced dog owners and hunters, those who write for us must also be experienced.
Queries welcome with SASE (e-mail queries welcome; phone queries discouraged). Queries should state subject, proposed length, photo type (we prefer digital) and number.
We try to respond to queries in three to four weeks, unsolicited manuscripts in six to eight weeks.
For Full Writerˊs Guidelines, contact Jason Smith at jake.smith@vpdcs.com
Send all material to:
Jason Smith, Managing Editor
The Pointing Dog Journal
2779 Aero Park Dr.
Traverse City,MI 49686